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Pussy Thong

$12.69 Each

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Ohhh Jeeeez I bet this is going to make those right wing fanatics who monitor my auctions cough up a politically correct fur-ball the moment they lay eyes on this! Yes my children don't adjust your computer screen for what you see is real-The World's First Charles Manson Thong! This pair features our ol' pal Charles Manson!
It was no secret that Charlie was quite the ladies man-in fact he had a ranch full of "young loves" that would do anything for him! Can you just imagine Sexy Sadie or Ouisch wearing a pair of these-ooofah-I'd love to see that! Ha! Those these seem to be a bit crass I actually made them as protection for my kid sister Betty. Betty was going on her first "Real"date with this kid from school- well I checked up on this guy and it seems he is quite the ladies man with a reputation resembling Casanova! I personally don't have a problem with that, I am quite the stud myself-but I do have a problem with my kid sister being one of this kids "conquests"! So I thought what better way to deter his high school hormones than to have Charlie guarding the fort! So I insisted she wore a pair of these before the date and she complied. When she got from her date I was awake debrief her-she told me that there was a little making-out going on but when the kid Turned a ghost white and proceeded to end the date early! Hey-thanks Charlie!I'm killing two-birds with one stone!
Girls wear this out on a first date and if things get a little to hot and heavy you got Charlie keeping a close guard of things!

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