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Lil' Brat Baby Bibs
Baby Bibs

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$7.69 Each

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It's a damn shame that something like this even had to be made, but times are tough here livin' in the city and drug abuse is just a given. One thing that kills me when I go to the hospital to do my volunteer work is the poor little crack babies. They are usually no bigger than your hand of and could easily fit two of them comfortably into a Happy Meal Box.
Oh yes the innocent addict, I've shed many a tear over them. So I made these "I Survived My Prenatal Crack Addiction" baby bibs as a public service. They are to let those less fortunate than ourselves that there is hope after drug abuse- its really just a positive statement in a very negative situation- I think I should be awarded a community service commendation-what do you think? Ok, ok , enough BS, only a "crack-pot" like me, Andrew D. Gore, would make such a distasteful bib- C'mon don't feel guilty for laughing at this, I made it just to "crack" you up! Ha! This Lil' Brat Baby Bib is printed in a beautiful afro black ink in a vintage hospital typeface that will cause miles of smiles wherever its worn! On a serious note, I will give a bulk discount rate to any inner city hospital who chooses to carry these in their gift shop! Ha!

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