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Baby Bibs

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This Lil' Brat Baby Bib is a hilarious parody on the awesome 1974 horror film masterpiece- "The EXORCIST!". You know as well as I do that babies LOVE to drool, spit up and puke-in fact its their job, other than poopin', peein' and acting cute! So what a better bib to get the little puke monster than this awesome Lil' Exorcist Bib!
This bib consists of a cute character of a lil' baby levitating (just like Linda Blair did in the horrific film!) with the words "Lil' Exorcist" hovering above! But hold on to your barf bag 'cause that's not all- below the floating baby it reads-"The power of DROOL compels you!" a clever take off of the "the power of Christ compels you" line from the movie! WOW, this bib is as shocking as the movie is! I was selling these at a local Horror Movie Convention when I had a young couple literally freak out when they saw this "Lil' Exorcist" Bib. They ran up to me and told me their beautiful 6 month old baby daughter was actually conceived while they were watching the "Exorcist" on home video, they even named her Regan! Wow, it takes all kinds don't it?!

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