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Baby Bibs

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This is the coolest bib of all time! I grew up in the punk scene in the late 70's early 80's and most all of my friends of that day who survived it are poppin' out kids and raising families. So I thought this bib design would make the ultimate gift! Yes, its a clever take off of those "Future President" baby bibs you see at the mall- but this one reads "Future PuNk Rocker" in a punk rock style "ransom note" style text!
Check out the cute illustration of a baby Sid Vicious! Written on the baby's tummy is "gimme a burp" which is a take off of when the real Sid wrote "gimme a fix" on his chest during the Sex Pistols ill-fated American tour! Next to lil'Sid it reads "Born to Poop!" - yet another preschool punk take off Sid's wonderful rendition of Johnny Thunders song "Born To Lose" on Sid's solo album, "Sid Sings" (hey that's kind of an oxymoron don't ya think! Ha!) When you really think about it all little babies are sort of like little Sid Vicious's. They drool, burp and fart in public, pick there nose and eat their boogers, need to be taken care of, and last but not least they can't play a note on the bass!

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